Due to the nature of Zack’s injury, the immediate need for treatment, therapy, and constant personal care and supervision will continue for the remainder of his life. Several professional outside parties have determined the most appropriate ways to financially support Zack’s recovery.
All donations will assist in paying expenses related to Zack’s injury. Should you choose to donate, please follow the instructions carefully to ensure that your donation is properly received, allocated, and qualified as tax deductible (where applicable).
Donation Options
1. Zachary McLeod Special Needs Trust
A Citizen’s Bank trust account has been opened in Zachary McLeod’s name. It offers great flexibility and may be applied to any costs related to Zach’s recovery that insurance or other options below can’t cover (e.g., tools and technology to foster Zach’s recovery, therapies, gym memberships, athletic activities, sporting events, etc.).Donations made to this resource are not tax deductible.
Donations are accepted by check, which can be made out to “Zachary McLeod Supplemental Needs Trust” and sent to:
The McLeods
1626 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, MA 02138
2. Park Street Church Deacon’s Fund
This fund, managed by the McLeod’s church, is used to support “acts of Christian charity,” and there is considerable flexibility in how money from that fund can be spent–including medical and rehabilitation expenses not covered by insurance.
Tax deductible donations are accepted by check, and should be made out to “Park Street Church,” and on the check be designated for “Park Street Church Deacon’s Fund.”
Checks can be sent to:
Park Street Church
One Park Street
Boston, MA 02108
3. Cru
Cru, Pat and Tammy McLeod’s not-for-profit employer, can accept special donations that can be used in a way that will not represent additional income or assets to the McLeod family if they are restricted to Zack’s medical and rehab expenses not covered by insurance. Donations are tax deductible.
Checks can be made out to “Cru.” On a separate sheet of paper, please indicate that your donation should be used to help with expenses related to Zack’s recovery, and please include the following account number: 0258770.
Checks can be sent to:
c/o The McLeods
1626 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
Thank you for considering these options.